IQAA • Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education

IQAA - Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education

IQAA is the first ever independent quality assurance agency in Kazakhstan, established in 2008. It is a non-governmental and nonprofit organisation. IQAA has been listed in the National Register of Accreditation Agencies of Kazakhstan since its inception in 2012. The Agency functions on the basis of fees from educational institutions, QA projects and other types of revenues. It doesn’t have state funding. The Agency is autonomous in developing quality assurance standards and carrying out accreditation of higher education institutions (HEIs)  and study programmes. IQAA is independent from the government and HEIs. IQAA’s Accreditation Council, which consists of national and international experts as well as student and employer representatives, functions independently and is responsible for decision-making on accreditation of HEIs and study programmes.

IQAA’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of quality of education, to increase the competitiveness of educational institutions of Kazakhstan at the national and international levels and to promote a culture of quality among educational institutions and public consciousness. IQAA pioneered the publication of independent academic rankings of HEIs in Kazakhstan in 2008, and publishes them under the provision of a separate entity IQAA-Ranking.

IQAA is registered on EQAR.

Contact information

Prof. Sholpan Kalanova


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