Madri+d • Madrimasd Knowledge Foundation

madri+d - Madrimasd Knowledge Foundation

Madri+d is a not-for-profit organization established under the initiative of the regional government of Madrid. Towards the end of 2013, Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d absorbed the Agency for Quality, Accreditation and Prospective of the Universities of Madrid, ACAP, which was, up to then, the designated assessment body for the Madrid higher education system. It is funded by the government of Madrid.

As stated in its Articles of Association, madri+d aims to improve higher education through evaluation and other reports leading to the accreditation and certification of quality in the university arena, as well as performance measurements of the public higher education service pursuant to objective procedures and transparent processes, considering the Spanish, European, and international framework. Madri+d is the designated assessment body of the region of Madrid (DECRETO 63/2014, Madrid region government), and according to this designation, it performs QA evaluations of official degrees, faculties, and institutional programmes.

Madri+d is currently undergoing a targeted review coordinated by ENQA. More information can be found here.

Madri+d’s most recent external review report can be found here.

Madri+d is registered on EQAR.

Contact information
ENQA history
Membership granted in 2015
Membership reconfirmed on 20 February 2020

Calle Maestro Ángel Llorca 6, 3rd floor
28003 Madrid

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