MusiQuE • Music Quality Enhancement, the Foundation for Quality Enhancement and Accreditation in Higher Music Education

MusiQuE is an ENQA Affiliate.

MusiQuE is a recognised European independent accreditation and external evaluation body for music, contributing to the continuous improvement of the quality of higher music education across Europe and beyond. Its operations are underpinned by independent, skilled and authoritative international peers.

MusiQuE’s work is discipline-specific and aims to be characterized by flexibility, diversity, transparency and accountability in its treatment of quality enhancement in music. Through its accreditation, quality enhancement and advisory services, MusiQuE assists higher music education institutions, across Europe and further afield, in their enhancement of quality.

With its extensive expertise in the field of music, and knowledge of diverse national systems, MusiQuE participates in the public debate about musical quality and it contributes to the broad dissemination of information, new ideas and strategies concerning quality enhancement, learning, education and research, especially where these impinge upon the discipline of music and how it is taught, practised and researched.

MusiQuE is registered on EQAR.

Contact information
ENQA history
Affiliation granted in January 2011 under the acronym AEC
Affiliation renewed on 24 June 2021

c/o AEC Avenue des Celtes 20
1040 Brussels

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