QAA • Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

QAA - Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

QAA is an independent body, a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Its strategy and policy are determined by its Board, which has representatives from the higher education sector, the student body and from industry. The day to day delivery of the agency’s strategic aims, as set out in its Strategy 2014-17, is the responsibility of its Directorate. QAA’s stated mission is to safeguard standards and improve the quality of UK higher education. It reports on standards and quality under contract to government. This is done through peer review, based on the Expectations of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education (maintained by QAA on behalf of the higher education sector). Different review methods accommodate the range of environments and arrangements through which UK higher education is provided. Since 2011, QAA has been entrusted by the government with reviews of private providers, as required by UK Border Agency regulations. On behalf of the Privy Council, QAA scrutinises applications from institutions wishing to obtain degree-awarding powers and university title. QAA also regulates the Access to Higher Education Diploma.

QAA’s most recent external review report can be found here. QAA is registered on EQAR.

Contact information
ENQA history
Membership granted in 2000
Membership reconfirmed on 7 December 2023

Southgate House, Southgate Street
GL1 1 UB Gloucester
United Kingdom

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