Home • Member And Affiliate Database • SAAHE • Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education
SAAHE’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of higher education through modern tools following the ESG. At the same time, the Agency’s objective is to provide professional and independent perspectives on the quality of higher education in the Slovak Republic, and thereby to strengthen the quality culture in higher education institutions. The Agency is intended to reflect the quality of HEIs and to decide on granting appropriate accreditations following the law.
According to law, SAAHE adopts the following accreditation standards:
The Agency is expected to start receiving the first accreditation applications in the second quarter of 2021. SAAHE is the successor to the former Accreditation Commission, which was an advisory body to the Government of the Slovak Republic that functioned until December 2019 and did not have a separate legal entity. Based on the Act, the decision-making authority of the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic in the area of quality assurance of higher education was transferred to SAAHE as of 1 January 2020.
SAAHE is registered on EQAR.
Romana Smolinská
Administrative Assistant