Home • Member And Affiliate Database • THEQC • Turkish Higher Education Quality Council
THEQC was founded in 2015 and was reorganized and gained both administrative and legal autonomy in 2017. It is the only legal public entity responsible for quality assurance in higher education in Turkey. Even though it is financed by the state, THEQC is a fully autonomous institution. Besides the annual governmental budget allocation, THEQC has the legal right to engage in income-generating activities on its own, such as the right to collect donations and raise funds. The primary activities and responsibilities of THEQC are as follows: external evaluation of higher education institutions, authorization of national and recognition of international accreditation agencies, internalization and dissemination of quality assurance culture in higher education institutions. The mission of THEQC is to implement and enhance the quality assurance system of the national higher education system by supporting the internal quality assurance system and the progress of quality culture, and conducting the external assessments of the higher education institutions so that it can significantly contribute to the enhancement of intellectual capital and sustainable development of the society in a transparent, accountable and collaborative manner.
THEQC is currently undergoing an external review coordinated by ENQA. More information can be found here.
THEQC is registered on EQAR.
Prof. Ümit Kocabıçak (President)