Unibasq • Agency for the Quality of the Basque University System

Unibasq - Agency for the Quality of the Basque University System

Unibasq performs its functions under the legal form of a public entity in Spain, submitted to private law and attached to the Basque Government’s department responsible for universities; it is a legal person of its own, with full capacity to act and full control over its own capital resources to perform its functions. The agency has its own budget, which it administers independently in accordance with the corresponding regulations of the Basque Autonomous Community.

The purposes of the agency are to promote and ensure quality throughout the Basque university system; to provide society with information about the result of its activities and public administrations, universities and other stakeholders with information and guidelines for their decision-making processes. The object of the agency is the evaluation, accreditation and certification of quality in the Basque university system, taking into consideration its Spanish, European and international dimensions. The agency may also carry out the aforementioned activities at higher education institutions outside the Basque Autonomous Community within the context of the European Higher Education Area, based on prior agreements with other agencies, universities or educational authorities.

The agency shall be entitled to take part in the evaluation of other activities within the Basque system of Science, Technology and Innovation, and may perform these same functions outside the Basque Autonomous Community, based on prior agreements.

Unibasq is registered on EQAR.

Contact information

Eva Fernandez de Labastida
Internationalisation and Projects Manager


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