AQ Austria has carried out a project in cooperation with eleven Austrian higher education institutions (HEIs) to encourage permeability by recognising non-formally and informally acquired competences. This project, financed by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, focused on the promotion of permeability in two ways: firstly, by considering competences acquired outside the formal, tiered educational systems when accessing higher education; secondly, by considering prior knowledge and performances through crediting these towards the study programme itself resulting in the replacement of parts of a degree programme. The project resulted in a number of recommendations including examples of good practice, which were compiled by the project group in cooperation with experts of HEIs outside of Austria.
Currently, AQ Austria is starting a follow-up process in Austria, focusing at the implementation of recognition of prior learning (RPL) at HEIs. Once more, eleven institutions that represent all sectors of HEIs are taking part in a consultation process during which foreign experts, experienced in the implementation of RPL procedures, will conduct individual on-site interviews. Enquiries regarding the recommendations can be addressed to Barbara Birke, AQ Austria at