The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education of Andorra (AQUA) and the Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA) have developed a Proposal of indicators to embed the Sustainable Development Goals into Institutional Quality Assessment.
This proposal is a specific quality assurance tool that emerged through a participatory process with the major internal and external stakeholders of Andorra and Aragon and joint work between the board of experts and the participants.
This proposal presents an indicator framework to provide a valuable basis for advancing as well as assessing an institution’s contribution to the SDGs. The indicators are distributed in nine components that cover the whole institution: governance and strategy; leadership and partnerships; quality strategy and processes; training and guidance; resources and funding; programmes; the campus; students and employees and external quality assurance.
See the video about the whole process:
The indicator framework has been developed for use by the institution primarily for self-assessment purposes. The framework is also relevant to agencies that will need to validate and externally verify the performance of the institutions as identified by institutional review.
This proposal of indicators is part of the project Making Connections between the Institutional Evaluation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Empowering stakeholders for quality enhancement, which was one of the capacity-building projects 2017-18 that INQAAHE offered.