The year 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of ENQA. To celebrate this event, ENQA is launching a call for articles to its members and affiliates, to contribute to its anniversary publication. The publication will be distributed at the ENQA General Assembly meeting and anniversary celebration, as well as published online.
The publication will cover one or more of the following:
- a look back at the developments of the past 20 years in European quality assurance, including the role that ENQA has played in this process;
- a presentation of current trends, innovation, and good practice in specific sub-areas of quality assurance (elearning, international co-operation, work-based learning, implementation of EHEA tools for QA, new methodologies, etc);
- a look forward to the next decade of quality assurance in the EHEA (and/or synergies with other regions).
In this spirit, ENQA is calling on its members and affiliates to prepare articles on one of the three areas listed above. Contributing to the publication is a excellent opportunity for members and affiliate to showcase their work and offer their perspectives on past and furture development in quality assurance. The articles do not need to be academic research papers but are expected to be of interest and relevance to the European quality assurance community.
The articles should meet the following requirements:
- be of interest and relevance to ENQA’s membership and stakeholders;
- be in the range of 4-10 pages long (about 1300-3000 words);
- submitted in English and proofread;
- include the names and affiliations of author(s)
- follow the Harvard referencing method (available e.g. here: for list of references and in-text references
- be sent to by the deadline mentioning “Submission for anniversary publication” in the subject heading.
The deadline for the submission of the articles has been extended to 15 July 2020.
The ENQA Secretariat reserves the right to language edit the articles, but will seek approval on any substantial changes with the author(s).
ENQA also reserves the right not to publish all articles in its printed anniversary publication but may consider other forms of publication for additional articles that meet the above requirements.