ENQA is a partner in two new projects that will support the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) reforms, funded under the Erasmus+ programme. These projects are “Developing a European Approach for Comprehensive QA of (European) University Networks” (EUniQ) and “Effective involvement of stakeholders in external quality assurance activities” (ESQA).
The EUniQ project supports quality assurance agencies in addressing evolving methodological challenges, including the development of cross-border higher education, the policy integration of university networks, the expanding offers of international joint programmes, and the establishment of European Universities. It intends to provide a roadmap for QA agencies to jointly develop quality assurance methodologies, from an analysis of the needs to a developed quality assurance approach.
The ESQA project aims to support stakeholders’ involvement in external quality assurance. The project will explore various categories of stakeholder engagement and expectations stakeholders have towards external quality assurance with the aim to make this engagement effective and diversified.