When higher education institutions (HEIs) foster a culture of enterprise and entrepreneurship, it equips students with the skills for a rewarding, self-determined professional life. The ways in which HEIs can help ensure this are laid out in the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s (QAA, United Kingdom) guidance on enterprise and entrepreneurship, revised and relaunched earlier this year.
The publication has had a significant impact on European and international policy and practice. The EU’s independent research team, the European Joint Research Centre, used the guidance to inform the EntreComp framework, a recognised guide for all levels of education. The OECD’s Entrepreneurship360 project and HEInnovate – a collaboration between the OECD and the European Commission – build on this approach. The guidance, which is also available in Chinese, has been added to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development database as an internationally leading work on entrepreneurial education.