HAQAA Webinar on “Strategic Partnership between Europe and Africa: What’s New for Higher Education?”

On 11 March from 14:00-15:45 CET, the HAQAA2 Initiative will hold a webinar online titled “Europe and Africa in strategic partnership: What’s new in higher education?

This online event will take an in depth look at the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership and provide updated information on EU support for higher education integration on the African continent, in line with the African Union Continental Strategy for Education (CESA) and the related African harmonisation objectives. It is part of a webinar series support by the HAQAA Initiative (see below), an EU funded endeavour that, amongst other objectives related specifically to quality assurance capacity development, is supporting Africa-EU policy dialogue around harmonisation processes in the higher education sector. The webinar will take stock of current EU initiatives supporting the higher education sector at continental level in Africa and debate their importance in the run up to the forthcoming Africa-EU summit. This comes at a time when Africa is increasingly in the spotlight when it comes to research, innovation and higher education, as an important partner to tackle global challenges ranging from climate change to health.*This webinar will have FR-ENG-PT interpretation. It is being held in the framework of the ‘OBREAL Global in Focus 2021’ and umbrella event looks at different perspectives on South-South North cooperation in higher education and research.


The programme of the webinar can be found here


To register for the webinar, visit the OBREAL Global in Focus 2021 page.

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