ENQA has launched a call for member agencies to nominate candidates to stand for election to fill four positions on the ENQA Board. Elections will take place at the online General Assembly meeting on 21 October 2021. Although elections were also held during the online General Assembly in April 2021, those where due to the exceptional postponement of the previous elections because of the COVID-19 pandemic; we will now return to the usual schedule of having elections in the autumn General Assembly.
In accordance with the statutes, ENQA uses a rotation system in the election of its Board members with three members’ terms expiring each year. The General Assembly elects the members of the Board for a regular mandate of three years, renewable once. Board members may not serve for more than two terms, except that members filling an unexpired term created by a vacancy may be appointed for two subsequent terms (art. 21 of the ENQA statutes).
At the General Assembly in October 2021, there will be a one ballot for the election of four Board members. Each member agency will have one vote in each ballot, which will be secret. Decisions of the General Assembly are adopted by simple majority of members attending the meeting (art. 21 of ENQA statutes).
The full call for candidates, detailing the requirements and nomination process, is available here. The deadline for nominations is Thursday 9 September 2021, midnight CEST (Brussels time).