Lithuania moved from single study programme evaluations and accreditations to evaluation and accreditation of study fields. SKVC is kindly seeking nominations of experts to serve on procedures during second half of 2020 – beginning of 2021.
Following the new Regulations for External Evaluation and Accreditation of Studies, Evaluation Fields, and Indicators (approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport on 17 July 2019), SKVC has developed a methodology for the external study field evaluation, a methodology for new study programme evaluations, as well as an evaluation plan for 2020-2025.
According to the new regulations, an external evaluation will address seven evaluation areas: study aims and learning outcomes; link between research (artistic activities) and teaching; student admission and support; learning outcomes and employability of graduates; teaching staff; material resources; internal quality assurance, improvement and provision of public information. For each upcoming study field evaluation SKVC is planning to gather an independent expert panel whose task will be (1) to analyse self-evaluation reports prepared by HEIs, (2) go to visits to HEIs and, afterwards, (3) prepare reports based on which accreditation decisions will be issued.
SKVC is regularly revising its expert database with the aim to attract (a) scholars (representing different subject paradigms) from different countries; (b) educators having good knowledge of contemporary teaching and student assessment methods; (c) scientists with significant research and publishing experience; (d) competent specialists of higher education management and administration. Having started preparations for new external quality evaluation in Lithuania, SKVC invites the potential candidates to apply for study field evaluations in the nearest future.
- Study fields, to be evaluated and accredited in the second half of 2020, are the following: Dental hygiene, Art History and Theory, Literary studies, History, Area (regional) studies, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, Transport engineering.
- Study fields, to be evaluated and accredited in the first half of 2021, are the following: Power engineering, Film, Linguistics, Medicine, Nutrition, Music, Religious Studies, Marketing, Sociology, Theatre, Journalism.
Quality assurance agencies are invited to propose the potential candidates for the above indicated study fields, sending to SKVC (e-mail address: the name, surname, represented study field and contact of an individual expert. Alternatively, we would be grateful if quality assurance agencies could post this announcement on their websites or circulate via their mailing lists to institutions and individuals who served as reviewers.
Interested experts can also nominate themselves by filling the application form on SKVC website: