The DEQAR database of evaluated and accredited institutions and programmes in the EHEA enables a broad range of users to satisfy their information needs and to support different types of decisions (e.g. recognition of degrees, mobility of students, portability of grants/loans). The database was developed in the period 1.11.2017 to 31.10.2019 and could be of support to the following potential users in their work and/or study, but not limited to:
DEQAR CONNECT is a follow-up to DEQAR project and focuses on two of the EHEA key commitments, supporting quality assurance and recognition inside the EHEA, and consists of two strands:
ENQA is an associate partner in the project. Associate partners act as members of the Advisory Group that consults the project on key decisions related to the project implementation.
The project is coordinated by EQAR and includes 26 organisations and 6 experts: two experienced QA agencies (ASHE and NVAO), 15 newcomer QA agencies (ACQUIN, ACSUCYL, AEQES, AIC, ANQA, AQ Austria, CTI, EAEVE, HAC, IAAR, IQAA, MusiQuE, NCEQE, NCPA, SKVC), four ENIC-NARIC partners, six individual experts and four associate partners (ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE).
DEQAR CONNECT is funded by the European Union and is being held from 1 March 2020 to 28 February 2022 (24 months).
For further information on ENQA’s role in the project, please contact Goran Dakovic or take a look at the project website. Disclaimer Erasmus + programme The European Commission support for the production of any DEQAR publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.