Higher education (HE) is always evolving which is one of the great challenges for external quality assurance (QA) and for QA agencies. In order to continuously support the enhancement of quality and innovation in HE, QA agencies need to make sure that their QA methodologies fit this demand appropriately. QA agencies have therefore always further developed their QA methodologies to best fit their national HE system. Some of the current developments in HE can however not be dealt nationally. This concerns for example the development of cross-border HE, the policy integration of university networks, the expanding offers of international joint programmes, and the establishment of European Universities. These developments put pressure on QA agencies. They need to be able to address and assess quality in all these emerging fields of HE without impeding HE innovativeness and autonomy.
The EUniQ project supports QA agencies in addressing evolving methodological challenges. It intends to provide a roadmap for QA agencies to jointly develop QA methodologies, from a needs analysis to a developed QA approach. In this project, the policy integration of university networks and the establishment of European Universities will be the pertinent case studies. (Universities are here referred to as covering all types of HE institutions.) Throughout the project, the partnership organises several peer support activities, from a quarterly peer support newsletter to three large-scale peer support events.
ENQA is a member of the Roadmap Group which is the main management and decision-making instrument of the project. The objective of the Roadmap Group is to generally manage the project, to ensure the attainment of the schedule and the production of the deliverables. The Roadmap Group will also prepare the main implementation phases of the project: the development of the methodology for the comprehensive assessment of (European) university networks, the pilot procedures, and the enhancement and valorisation of the methodology. ENQA collaborates for the organisation of two events, for registration and promotion mainly:
EUniQ is coordinated by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). The partnership includes eight QA agencies, six HE ministries and European stakeholder associations, namely:
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme Key Action 3 – Support to Policy Reform. Project Duration 15 May 2019 – 14 May 2021 (24 months)
For further information, take a look at the project website.