The University of Barcelona has launched a new Tempus project entitled “Enhancement of Quality Assurance Management in Jordanian Universities” (EQuAM), in partnership with ENQA and 15 other higher education bodies.
15 October 2012 to 14 October 2015 (36 months)
The applicant and the coordinator of the EQuAM project is the University of Barcelona and the partnership includes the Princess Sumaya University for Technology Jordan, Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA) Spain, European Association Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) Belgium, Mutah University Jordan, Hashemite University Jordan, Yarmouk University Jordan, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Jordan, Higher Education Accreditation Commission Jordan, Association of Arab Universities Jordan, Tafila Technical University Jordan, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Jordan, Sapienza Universita’ di Roma Italy, Tallinn University Estonia, L’Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalu (AQU) Spain, Université de Montpellier 1 France.
The Enhancement of Quality Assurance Management in Jordanian Universities (EQuAM) project aims at developing a model of principles, priorities, guidelines and procedures to improve and assess the quality of the Jordanian higher education system. The model (principles, priorities, guidelines and procedures) will be produced to support Jordanian HEIs and their quality assurance unit to improve internal QA in line with the new requirements of the national HE Accreditation Council and international expectations. The Model will be based on analyses of needs and capacities in Jordanian HEIs, as well as the experiences and best practices from the successful QA Action Line of the Bologna Process. Workshops, consultations and “matching” exercises will contribute relevant material from Jordanian and European HEIs and QA agencies. The Model will be piloted in Jordanian HEIs and complemented by training and capacity building to support its sustainability. European experiences in building productive relationships between HEIs and their QA agencies will inform the effective implementation of the Model and reflect the importance of autonomous HEIs meeting national/international expectations whilst working in different contexts.
The EQuAM project will develop draft Model of Principles, Priorities, Guidelines and Procedures for internal management of QA within Jordanian HEIs, and their QABs, to best align HEI’s work to HEAC expectations and international (European) Standards and Guidelines. Once the draft model will be piloted in different types of HEIs to inform its completion, the project will then develop training programmes, including for expert evaluators, to promote the model and enhance its impact.
Below is a non exhaustive list of events that will be organised within the project in order to achieve the objectives:
- Gap Analysis Workshop (national level)
- Two Matching Exercise on internal EU QA Management (international level)
- Roundabout on European QA Management (international level)
- Workshop on Shared QA Management (international level)
- Workshop on QA Management and its Standards (international event)
- Workshop on QA Management Procedures (international level)
- Training sessions (international and national levels)
- Final Dissemination Conference (international level)