Enhancing Quality Assurance Management in Morocco (EQuAM-M)

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Aims and activities

The overall aim of the project was to assist Morocco in its ambition to further develop and enhance a new national Quality Assurance Agency for HE whose work would be aligned with the immediate and direct needs of society, whilst also meeting international expectations. The project was concerned specifically with the development, application and outcomes of academic QA and its improvement/enhancement. The Project aimed at identifying and assisting in the development of a) the essential components of QA system that meet national and institutional needs, and b) a ‘road map’ and White Paper setting out a reasonable transition from the current situation to one that demonstrably meets international norms and expectations.

Project Activities

The specific objectives for the Project included the development of:

  • A Road Map addressing the necessary detailed requirements for implementing and/or improving the functions and procedures of QA at the institutional level and the link between Internal and External QA.
  • A White Paper aiming at informing key stakeholders in Morocco on the progressive implementation of the new QA system; and with recommendations for meeting the shared needs of EQA and IQA in Morocco. It will include a 10 year ‘road map’ for the progressive ‘evolution’ of QA for Moroccan HE to support the development of a Quality Culture.
  • A shared toolkit’ to meet needs of Internal and External QA in Morocco that will lead to
  • A Code of Practice for the Management of Quality Assurance in Moroccan universities.

The project was divided in six main phases:

  1. Current QA in Moroccan HE
  2. Comparing experiences with EU agencies and their relationships with HEIs
  3. Development of a quality assurance ‘tool kit’
  4. Aligning EQA and IQA
  5. Piloting the QA Tool kit and Code of Practice
  6. Enhancing QA management and its impact on Moroccan HE

ENQA’s role

ENQA main activity was the organisation of a Roundtable on EU QA management for the Moroccan partners held in Brussels with the participation of ENQA member agencies. ENQA chaired the Quality Committee and developed a “Quality Plan” to perform monitoring and impact evaluation activities. ENQA contributed to the development of various deliverables, the White Paper, the Tool Kit and the Code of Practice described more in detail above. It also contributed to different events as a speaker, in the Roundtable Discussion meetings, Study visits and Workshops in Morocco and in Europe ENQA also disseminated the project’s objectives and outcomes at the EU level.


The project brought together a consortium of 19 partners:

  • 14 from Morocco: Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD – CARDET, Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Formation des Cadres – MESRSFC, Agence National d’Evaluation et d’Assurance Qualité de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique – ANEAQ, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi – UAE, University Ibn Tofail – UIT, University Hassan 1 – UH1, University Hassan 2 Casablanca – UH2C, University Moulay Ismail – UMI, University Cadi Ayyad – UCA, University Mohammed V – UM5R, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah – USMBA, University Mundiapolis – MUC, Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes – UEMF, University Ibn Zohr – UIZ
  • 5 from Europe: two quality assurance organisations (ENQA, Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación – ANECA), and 3 European universities (Université de Montpellier – UM, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”- UNIROMA1, Universitat de Barcelona – UB).

Funding and duration

The project has received funding under Erasmus+ KA2 “Capacity building in the field of higher educational”. TERM/DURATION Original duration from 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2020 (36 months), followed by an extension to 30 April 2021.

Contact and further information

More information can be found on the project website here.


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