ENQA Leadership programme 2018

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ENQA Leadership programme is designed to provide an intensive European peer-learning experience for high-potential mid-level to early-senior professional staff at QA agencies to develop their understanding of the European QA framework as well as of the leadership skills required for working effectively as team leaders within agencies, in reviews, and with external stakeholders. The programme is open to ENQA members and affiliates.

The programme consists of three two-day seminars (from 16h00 on Day 1 until 14h00 on Day 3):

  1. Seminar 1 in Brussels, 16 – 18 May, hosted by AEQES: “Trends and developments in (European) higher education”;
  2. Seminar 2 in Bern, 10 – 12 September, hosted by AAQ: “Leadership and higher education”;
  3. Seminar 3 in Barcelona, 6-8 November, hosted by AQU Catalunya: “Formal and informal leadership in Quality Assurance Agencies”.

The fee to participate in the programme is € 1700. The fee includes:

  • Participation in the three programme seminars;
  • All presentations and programme materials;
  • Main meals during the seminars (as indicated in the programme);
  • Mentoring by an ENQA Board member or a senior staff member of an ENQA member agency for the small group projects (May to November);
  • Participation in an ENQA Leadership Programme alumni group;
  • Discount of 15% on fee-based ENQA event in 2019 or 2020.

The travel and accommodation costs to attend the seminars will be covered by the participants/their sponsoring agency.

Participation is limited to 22 participants in total, with an indicative maximum of two participants per agency. Participants commit to following the full cycle of the programme (from May to November), including attendance in the three seminars and contribution to the group work.
ENQA leadership programme – Brochure
ENQA Leadership programme – Draft programme
Registration for the programme is now closed.

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