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The PROMHEDEU-LAC (PROMotion of Higher Education Europe- Latin America and the Caribbean) project targeted the main collective Higher Education (HE) actors in the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean, many of whom were already members or associated partners of it (ENQA, EAIE, EUA, ACA, EMA, OUI, FLACSO, ANRPerú) and, through them, the whole HE academic and policy-making community.

PROMHEDEU-LAC enhanced the attractiveness, visibility and accessibility of European HE in LAC, thus strengthening the Erasmus Mundus Action 4, by giving an answer to demands raised in (and taking advantage of opportunities offered by): the ALCUE (Latin American and Caribbean – European Union Cooperation) Common Area of HE; the March 2008 International Conference held in Lima as a preparation for the 5th EULAC Summit (Lima, May 2008); the outcome of the last Erasmus Mundus Action 4 Coordinators Meeting organised by EACEA (Brussels, February 2008).

PROMHEDEU-LAC focused on: a) promoting synergies among key actors of the EU and LAC; b) enhancing the competitiveness of European HE through better information on European HE diversity/integration and analysis of the strategies applied by competing world partners, thus being effective in the creation of synergies, research, and dissemination.


  • European Association for International Education, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Helsinki, Finland
  • Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
  • Asamblea Nacional de Rectores del Perú, Lima, Peru
  • Organisation Universitaire Interaméricaine, Loja, Ecuador
  • Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales – Secretaria General, San José, Costa Rica

For additional contact information please visit the European Commission Programmes and Actions Erasmus Mundus webpage.

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