Programme Evaluation for Transparency and Recognition of Skills and Qualifications – TLQAA+

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ENQA is currently involved as a partner in the project “Programme Evaluation for Transparency and Recognition of Skills and Qualifications” (TLQAA+) coordinated by the University of Balamand, Lebanon. The project has received funding under Erasmus+ KA2 “Capacity building in the field of higher educational”.


15 October 2016 to 14 October 2019 (36 months)


The project brings together a consortium of 23 partners:

• 14 from Lebanon: the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, 12 Lebanese universities (University of Balamand, Université Libanaise , Université Saint Joseph, American University of Beirut, Lebanese American University, Beirut Arab University, Université Saint Esprit, Notre Dame University – Louaizé, Al Manar University of Tripoli, Université Sainte Famille, Université Antonine, Islamic University of Lebanon) and the Association of Lebanese Industrialists.

• 9 from Europe: four quality assurance organisations (ENQA, ANECA, CIEP, HCERES), and 5 European universities (Université de Lorraine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Universidad de Alicante, Universitat de Barcelona, Hochschule Osnabrück – University of Applied Sciences).


Project aim
The Erasmus+ TLQAA+ project is a three-year project that aims at setting the ground for the evaluation of academic programmes in the Lebanese Higher Education and at further developing a national qualifications framework. The main idea is to combine quality and relevance of academic programmes to better serve the students, the higher education and the society in general. It also deals with issues like recognition and quality assurance of non-traditional learning methods. The project is open to associate institutions and individual experts in some of its activities.

TLQAA+ objectives could be classified as direct objectives and indirect objectives. The direct objectives fall under the development of the necessary blocks for programmes’ evaluation in the Lebanese HE system and the establishment of processes to connect the evaluation with the recognition of skills and qualifications. These blocks include:

• A set of descriptors for a Lebanese QF
• A set of global descriptive indicators for serving external or internal evaluation and helping in strategic planning
• Core standards and guidelines for the evaluation of programmes
• Guidelines and training courses for establishing and developing internal QA units
• Training of thirty to forty experts to conduct programmes’ review in a training of trainer setting
• Necessary communication model and platform for the dialogue with the stakeholders from the labor market for enhancing employability and maintaining the LQF

Beside the direct objectives, the project will achieve many indirect objectives such as:

• Maintain and nurture the climate of trust within the Lebanese HE
• Determine the quality issues related to courses’ delivery modes (a crucial topic with the establishment of technology-based modes of delivery, e.g. the MOOCs)
• Better understand quality issues related to internationalization of higher education and in particular the recognition issues
• Experiment the draft Lebanese QF that permits a better understanding of the tool


To achieve the objectives of the project TLQAA+ activities are organised in 13 workpackages. These can be grouped into five groups:

• Preparation: it includes the definition of a NQF and global descriptive indicators, the QA of different delivery modes and, the connection between recognition, NQF and QA
• Programme Standards and Guidelines: including the core standards and guidelines and specific standard and guidelines for programmes in Engineering, Health Sciences and, Human and Social Sciences
• Capacity Building and Validation: including building internal quality assurance units, selection and training of experts and pilot evaluation
• Dissemination
• Project management and quality control

More information is available on the project website.

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