ENQA initiated and coordinated, in cooperation with its member agencies, the European University Association (EUA), the National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB) and the European Commission, a Survey on Quality Procedures in European Higher Education. The project was completed in 2002.
The main objective of the survey was to describe the methodological state-of-the-art of the quality assurance in ENQA member and associated member countries four years after the Council Recommendation on European Cooperation in Quality Assurance in Higher Education (pdf) (1998) and the publication of the Evaluation of the European Higher Education: A Status Report (pdf) elaborated for the European Commission by EVA and CNE (1998).
In order to identify shared protocols of quality assurance in European countries, each European agency was asked to fill in a questionnaire specifying the evaluation practices used by the agency. Consequently, the survey was able to determine which evaluation models were used in various countries and to analyse basic similarities and dissimilarities.
The results of the project demonstrated that European quality assurance had extended both in scope and type of evaluation methods since late 1990’s. They also revealed that especially the concepts of accreditation and benchmarking were gaining new ground fast by 2002.
The Survey on Quality Procedures in European Higher Education (pdf) was published in the series of ENQA Occasional Papers in 2003. It also resulted in a second phase, in the Quality Convergence Study Project, realised during 2004.