This project is the outcome of the initial contact that started in 2004 between the ENIC-NARIC (European Network Information Centre – National Academic Recognition Information Centre) network and ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education). The interests the two organisations have with regard to the recognition of evaluation or accreditation decisions for ENQA and the recognition of qualifications for the ENIC-NARIC were the starting point for reflection on possible complementary activities with regards to the mobility of students and holders of a diploma.
The initial belief at the beginning of the project was that by optimising the implementation of tools already employed across Europe, such as the Diploma Supplement, this could improve the quality of higher education institutions’ activities as well as the recognition of qualifications. This was confirmed with the conclusions resulting from the project. Clearly, the problems associated with the academic recognition of qualifications are closely linked to the quality of the Diploma Supplement. By taking an interest in the mechanisms put in place to guarantee the quality of the Diploma Supplement, the daily work of ENIC-NARIC centres could be improved. Beyond the issues surrounding the academic recognition of qualifications in guaranteeing the quality of the Diploma Supplement, this would open up its potential as an informative and communicative tool as well as helping to facilitate the mobility of personnel and of European development.
The full report may be accessed here.