External review of GAC (2021)

The German Accreditation Council (GAC) underwent an external review coordinated by ENQA. The review evaluated whether and how the agency meets the expectations of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA. The review took place in November 2021.

This review was coordinated by Goran Dakovic.

You can find the pages to all of GAC’s reviews here.

  • Oliver Vettori, HE Researcher and Dean of Accreditation and Quality Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria – Chair, quality assurance professional/academic (EUA nominee)
  • Durdica Dragojevic, Head of the Department for Higher Education Quality, Ministry of Science and Education, Croatia – Secretary, quality assurance professional (ENQA nominee)
  • Beatriz Atienza Carbonell, Student in Political Science and Public Administration (EQF 6), National University of Distance Education, Spain – panel member, ESU nominee, member of the European Students’ Union Quality Assurance Student Experts Pool
  • Luut Kroes, Director, NVAO, The Netherlands – panel member, quality assurance professional (ENQA nominee)

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