15 May 2023-16 May 2023 All Day
About the event
The 15th ENQA Training of Agency Reviewers will take place online on 15-16 May 2023.
Based on the lessons learned, feedback, and materials from completed reviews, the training sessions provide reviewers with the necessary knowledge and guidance on the use of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015), on the ENQA Agency Review process, and on compliance assessment. In addition, the future panel members are briefed on the expectations of the ENQA Agency Review Committee and the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) on the reviews and the related reports. The programme also includes reflections from the perspectives of an agency and experienced expert. The training is a combination of presentations, discussions and exercises in working groups.
In order to ensure that the agency reviews are rigorous, fair, transparent, and consistent, training is obligatory for all potential ENQA reviewers, independent of the organisation that has nominated them (ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE, or Business Europe). Only reviewers who have attended an ENQA reviewer training session are included in the ENQA pool of trained experts and may be appointed to panels of ENQA Agency Reviews.
It is expected that after attending the training, participants have sufficient knowledge of the ESG 2015 and the review process so as to integrate as a fully operational panel member. This includes:
- A common understanding of the interpretation and operationalisation needed for conducting a high quality review, as demonstrated by a clear and well formulated review report.
- A good understanding of the different stages of the review process and the panel members’ specific roles in each one of them.
- Awareness of some of the complex issues that can arise during reviews.
The training is open only to nominated experts and the nominees selected to participate in this training event are contacted individually.
The programme is available here.
Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015)
Guidelines for ENQA Agency Reviews
Guidelines for ENQA Targeted Reviews
Summary analysis of ENQA Agency Reviews 2022
Video summary of ENQA Agency Reviews
Video summary of ENQA
Use and Interpretation of the ESG for the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies
Introduction of ENQA and purpose and methods of the training by Goran Dakovic
Purpose and main stages of the ENQA Agency Reviews by Alexis Fábregas Almirall
Use and understanding of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) by Goran Dakovic
Notion of compliance by Milja Homan
Quality of reports and consistency of judgements against the ESG – views from ENQA Agency Review Committee (ARC) by Alastair Delaney
Role of EQAR in the EHEA and its expectations on the reviews of QA agencies by Melinda Szabó
Avoiding the evaluation fatigue – targeted reviews for second and subsequent reviews (ENQA) by Goran Dakovic/Milja Homan
Avoiding the evaluation fatigue – targeted reviews for second and subsequent reviews (EQAR) by Beate Treml
General operating principles of experts – Experienced reviewer’s view by Simona Lache
Quality assurance agency’s view on the review process by Aurelija Valeikiene