Call for contributions: QA trends and innovations

ENQA is pleased to invite members and affiliates to submit contributions for a webinar that will share recent trends and innovations taking place in quality assurance agencies or systems.

Sharing of developments and transferable lessons between agencies across the EHEA and beyond is an important peer-learning mechanism to inspire and support continuous improvement. In order to facilitate this, ENQA will organise a webinar to highlight examples from members and affiliates that demonstrate new activities or significant changes in quality assurance approaches that are of interest to the whole ENQA community.

The webinar will take place on Friday 22 October 2021, 10.00-11.30 CEST. It will form part of the ENQA online General Assembly seminar and replaces the poster sessions that were a popular part of the physical event format.

ENQA is calling for case examples from members and affiliates to be presented during the webinar. Contributions should focus on a significant change in approaches to external quality assurance, results of recent analysis or research, or innovations in specific areas of activity.

Submissions should take the format of 2-3 slides to be presented during the webinar, and a summary of the presentation. Accepted contributions will be given a slot of 5-7 minutes to present during the webinar.

Further details can be found in the call for contributions and submission form. The deadline for submissions is Monday 11 October.

If you have any questions, please contact We look forward to receiving your contributions!

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