The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education welcomes proposals to facilitate the forum sessions during the INQAAHE 12th Biennial Forum entitled “Quality, Competencies, and Learning Outcomes: How to Be Fit for Generation Z Employability” taking place on 23-25 March 2020. The call is a new initiative for the 2020 Forum, intended to better meet the needs of INQAAHE members and provide an authentic learning environment for participants. Preference will be given to proposals that align most closely to the themes and offer innovative approaches, new methodologies and a genuine opportunity for participants to develop their knowledge and skills. The Forum’s sub-themes are 1) Building Generation Z Competences through Classical Approaches to Degree Offerings: innovative approaches to quality assurance and recognition of qualifications; 2) Advancing Generation Z Employability through New Forms of Learning: quality assurance and recognition of alternative credentials. The deadline for proposals is 15 October 2019. More information on the call can be found here.