The Second General Assembly of the Cross-border Quality Assurance Network in Higher Education in Asia and Europe (CBQAN) was hosted by the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) in Dublin, Ireland on 19 December 2018. CBQAN aims to improve the quality of cross-border education, to build communication and cooperation platforms for stakeholders of cross-border higher education (HE) quality assurance between Asia and Europe and to promote student and academic mobility.
The second General Assembly was attended by quality and recognition agencies from China, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, Latvia, Estonia, Spain, Germany, UK and Ireland. A number of items were discussed and agreed upon at the meeting, including the approval of the CBQAN Organisational Charter and the First Council of CBQAN was constituted. Members agreed to work on an action plan for the Asia-Europe Higher Education Excellent Quality Assurance Program Platform, which will showcase excellence with regard to quality assurance initiatives and programme delivery relating to programmes implemented on a transnational basis between Europe and Asia. In addition, CBQAN will work on the development of Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-border Higher Education which will be of use to higher education institutions, quality assurance bodies, and education authorities engaging in transnational HE.
Further information regarding the network is available at or by email at