ENQA is pleased to announce a webinar to explore the topic of external quality assurance of EQF level 5 courses offered as higher vocational education and training or short cycle higher education. The webinar is co-organised with CHAIN5, the community of practice for level 5 qualifications.
The webinar will take place on Thursday 6 April at 10.00-11.30 CET.
The increased focus on flexible learning pathways, investment in skills and permeability between education sectors, in conjunction with international student mobility, makes a shared understanding of QA approaches to level 5 qualifications all the more important. However, the different positions of level 5 in the education building blocks of EHEA countries can make this challenging, and suggests a need for a transparent and coherent approach to quality assurance that is built on the current arrangements used in both the higher education and VET sectors.
The webinar will include an introduction about the topic, examples of how external QA of level 5 is addressed in different national contexts and discussion on the feasibility of a common external QA framework for level 5 qualifications.
Further details are available here.
The webinar is open to all interested stakeholders. Please register in advance here.