ENQA is pleased to publish the Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials report, which has been prepared by the ENQA Working Group on Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials. The report, available here, gives an overview and examples of how the quality assurance of micro-credentials is being addressed in the EHEA and provides detailed considerations for the application of the ESG to micro-credentials. Recommendations are aimed at both education providers and quality assurance agencies, and reflect the range of operating contexts as well as the synergies between internal and external quality assurance. The working group was composed of 18 ENQA members and affiliates, chaired by Anca Greere from the British Accreditation Council.
Also on the topic of micro-credentials, the IMINQA project has published ‘Reflective Questions for Internal and External Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials’. The documents aims to guide stakeholders in developing or reviewing their internal and external quality assurance policies and processes by provoking internal discussion and reflection. Each question is accompanied by a short explanation to highlight some key issues for consideration, depending on the context. ENQA is a partner in the IMINQA project, which supports the work of the Bologna Process Thematic Peer Group on Quality Assurance. The publication has been prepared by an IMINQA working group, led by ENQA.