ENQA’s fellow “E4 group members” the European University Association (EUA), European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) and the European Students’ Union (ESU) have all had recent elections of their Boards and presidency.
EUA held its Annual Conference and General Assembly meeting in Paris, France in April. The meeting elected Michael Murphy as the president of the association for the next four-year term. Michael Murphy, from the University College Cork, has been a member of the EUA Board since 2017 and chairs the EUA Learning & Teaching Steering Committee. On the same occasion EUA also elected four new Board members: Josep Garrell, Rector of University Ramon Llull (Spain), Patrick Lévy, President of University Grenoble-Alpes (France), Marcin Pałys, Rector of University of Warsaw (Poland), and Franceso Ubertini, Rector of University of Bologna (Italy). Two sitting Board members were re-confirmed for a second term: Martine Rahier, former rector of University of Neuchâtel, (Switzerland) and Mari Sundli Tveit, Rector of Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway).
In May, members of ESU’s board (representatives from National Unions of Students) elected the new ESU presidency and members of the Executive Committee of ESU for the mandate 2019-2020. The new team will be formed by: Robert Napier (Malta), President (currently Vice-President); Gohar Hovhannisyan (Armenia) and Sebastian Berger (Austria), Vice-Presidents (currently, members of the Executive Committee). The new Executive Committee will be composed of Monika Skadborg (Denmark), Ursa Leban (Slovenia), Daniel Altman (Israel), Hélène Mariaud (France), Rajko Golovic (Montenegro), Jakub Grodecki (Poland), and Nina de Winter (the Netherlands).
EURASHE’s General Assembly re-elected Mr Stéphane Lauwick and Mr Ulf-Daniel Ehlers as President and Vice-President for a mandate of 2 years on the eve of the EURASHE 29th Annual Conference held in Budapest, Hungary in May.