The Bologna Process Implementation Report presents a detailed picture on how the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has been moving forward since the Ministerial Conference of 2015 held in Yerevan, Armenia. The report describes the evolution of the key policy areas identified in the Yerevan Communiqué and addresses the key commitments underpinning the EHEA: implementation of the three-cycle degree structure, recognition of qualifications, and quality assurance.
Concerning quality assurance, development across the EHEA is reported. As one of the highlights, the implementation of the revised Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) in different national contexts has been largely achieved since 2015. At the same time, there are still areas where further attention is necessary. For instance, some countries still need to focus on ensuring that students are fully involved in all quality assurance processes as equal partners.
Produced for the European Ministerial Conference in Paris on 24-25 May 2018, the report is the result of collaboration between the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG), Eurostat, Eurostudent, and Eurydice. The European University Association (EUA), the European Students Union (ESU), and ENQA also contributed to the contents of the report.