The Bologna Thematic Peer Group (TPG) on quality assurance (of which ENQA is member) has launched a call for participation in a mobility scheme for staff members involved in QA. The scheme is funded by the ‘Implementation and Innovation in QA through peer learning’ (IMINQA) project in which ENQA is a partner.
Staff from quality assurance agencies in countries that are members of the TPG are eligible to participate. You can find a list of participating countries here.
This is an excellent opportunity for funding to conduct a short study visit to another agency or other organisation involved in quality assurance, so if your country is eligible please consider how your organisation might benefit and also if you could host a visiting staff member.
Further details as well as the application forms for both offer and need for peer support can be found under the relevant links above.
The call is open until 31st July 2022.
Please take note of the restrictions on the number of mobilities per country (you may need to coordinate with your national authority) and the timeline for applications.
Questions can be directed to