2023 ENQA General Assembly, 25-27 October 2023, Dublin, Ireland

25 October 2023-27 October 2023 00:00

The 2023 ENQA General Assembly took place on 26-27 October in Dublin, Ireland. The event was organised in cooperation with the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and was held at the Croke Park Conference Centre located at Jones’ Rd, Drumcondra, Dublin 3, Ireland. It was preceded by a social programme taking place on 25 October.


The programme focused on the theme of recognition, exploring the latest policy developments and approaches to ensure tangible connections between quality assurance and recognition. Interactive breakout sessions gave participants the opportunity to contribute to ENQA’s message to the Bologna Process Ministers, reflect on and further develop ENQA’s targeted review methodology, and explore outcomes of ENQA’s latest work.

The programme is available here.

Practical information and social programme

Full details of the social programme offered by QQI and practical information about the event (including venue and hotels) are available here.


The 2023 ENQA General Assembly promotional video provided by QQI can be found here.

The list of participants can be consulted here.


Presentations from the event are available below:

Presentation of the Irish QA system (Bryan Maguire, QQI)

Plenary 1

Recognition in the spotlight: latest policy developments (Vanja Gutovic, UNESCO and Chiara Finocchietti, ENIC-NARIC networks)

Plenary 2

QA and recognition in practice (Jill O’Mahony, University College Dublin and Almantas Šerpatauskas, SKVC)

Plenary 3

Cross-border quality assurance (Henning Schäfer, ZEvA and Sophie Guillet, Hcéres)

Breakout sessions

Academic integrity: outcomes of the ENQA working group (Sue Hackett, QQI and Yvonne Overdevest, NVAO)

Workshop on ENQA’s message to the 2024 Bologna Ministerial Conference (Cristina Ghitulica and Péter Levente Lakatos, ENQA Board Members)

Workshop on the future of the ESG (Anna Gover, ENQA Director and Patrick van den Bosch, ENQA Board Member)

Focus group on ENQA’s targeted review methodology (Goran Dakovic, ENQA and Agency Review Committee members)

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