A year after the Covid-19 pandemic hit Europe, many quality assurance agencies have gathered significant experience of moving their external quality assurance activities online. ENQA’s call for contributions to share experiences of conducting external quality assurance in an online format received a high number of interesting submissions. Therefore, we decided to run a second webinar on the same topic, in order to provide a further opportunity for members and affiliates to learn from each other.

The webinar took place on Wednesday, 5 May at 10.00-11.30 CEST.

Details of the first webinar are available here.


The webinar featured short inputs from six ENQA members, covering a range of aspects related to conducting external quality assurance in an online format.

The webinar was moderated by ENQA Director, Maria Kelo.



The recording of the webinar is published on ENQA’s YouTube page and is available here below.


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