ENQA Members’ Forum 2022

22 June 2022-24 June 2022 00:00

The 2022 ENQA Members’ Forum took place on 22-24 June 2022 in Cardiff, Wales. It was hosted by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). The Forum was held  at the University of South Wales (ATRiuM Building) located in 86-88 Adam Street, Cardiff CF24 2FN. A pre-event took place on 22 June.


The  programme is available here.

The 2022 ENQA Members’ Forum Booklet including the speakers’ biographies is available here.

The list of participants can be consulted here.


The Fundamental values of the European Higher Education Area and their impact on the quality of education

Transnational cooperation and Quality Assurance

Breakout sessions 1 & 2 – Hot topics of today:

Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials

  • “Micro-Credentials evolution: Insights from Ireland” by Dr Lynn Ramsey, Director of MicroCreds, Irish Universities Association
  • “Quality Assurance of Micro-Credentials Expectations within the context of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG)” by Prof Anca Greere, Senior Advisor (External), British Accreditation Council

European University Alliances and Quality Assurance

Digitalisation of QA processes: data management and data sharing

Breakout session 3 – Exchange of experiences:

Staff development: what can we learn from each other? by Øystein Lund, Vice President of ENQA and Kristin Vinje, Chief Executive, NOKUT

Evaluation of research in the framework of the ESG. The case of doctoral studies by Mădălin Bunoiu, President of ARACIS


Poster videos


Participants arriving early to Cardiff were welcome to attend a facultative pre-event programme, including lunch at the Senedd, a walking tour of the city and a visit of Cardiff Museum. The participants enjoyed a guided tour of the Cardiff Castle followed by the ENQA Forum’s Welcome reception at this ancient place. The pre-event took place on Wednesday, 22 June from 11:45-21:00.

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